An Intuitive Energy Healing is helpful anytime in one’s life. It helps you bring your energy back to yourself for your own highest healing & intention to manage whatever is going on in your life. This work may benefit family dynamics, pets, and house clearings.
During a session, as a practitioner I witness and amplify a healing and releasing process. Once you give me permission, I look at your body's systems, and it shows me where to focus.
I begin with 3 foundational steps:
1) Checking in with and strengthening your grounding;
2) Attending to the integrity of your energetic boundary or edge of your energy field;
3) Assisting you in amplifying your own personal life force energy within your system.
These terms —"being grounded," "having good boundaries," "coming back to myself”—are used in our every day language for a reason. They are essential for our well being. During a session, they give you a healthy scaffolding for the rest of the session to build on.
Either before or after those initial steps, I'll inquire if there is anything you would to bring up in particular in the session. Then I go wherever intuition directs me.
The work often happens on several levels: the physical plane with physical body systems, the emotional & mental planes, and the energetic plane. Also, it is common for me to share information with you on how you can work with the issues that arise in our session in your daily life. This is where having a recording can be helpful if you want to review what was covered.